What we do

At ASTL, we work to advocate and support the fiduciary commitments to the school children of the States we work in. We are a dedicated group of volunteers working to assure the endowment granted to each state maximizes its revenue generation to the beneficiaries it was intended to support, our children, and their education. Our work is inspired by the vision the founding fathers of this country had in the development of the Federally Granted School Trust Lands states received at statehood. Today, we work hard to assure this legacy and critical funding continues. We would love for you to join us in this effort.

Advocates: Working to Guarantee the Trust

We are parents, educators, school board members, state land commissioners, productive land users, and others working to ensure a robust endowment for the benefit of today’s schoolchildren and all future generations, as intended since the founding of our country.

We work with education groups and policy making groups on school trust land issues to achieve real results for schoolchildren.